
gog: a guide book to the great tree

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  • Description

Finally, for all free folk of air, land and water seeking knowledge of the Great Ga'Hoole Tree; its ways, its days, its heroes known and unknown . . . a guide! Studious by nature, fortunate to have been present at the most glorious moments in the tree's recent history, and above all honoured to count as friends its most ardent champions, I, Otulissa, have decided to write a compendium, a catch-all-in short, a guide-to the history, life and spirit of the tree. Pause a moment before the next adventure begins to read of its natural history, its origin and yearly changes. Read of its lesser-known heroes: of Joss, brave messenger of legends; of the brothers Ifghar and Ezylryb and the treachery that bound them; and of Theo, the peaceful warrior.

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